Wholesale Terms

Thank you for your interest in stocking my designs. Please kindly read the terms you are agreeing to when submitting a wholesale order.

  • You, the customer, will pay 50% of your total order value before production starts.

  • You, the customer, will pay the balance of your order + shipping within 14 days of your order being received.

  • You, the customer, will check the wholesale order on arrival and will notify Alex Collins of any defects or damage to the product within 7 days.

  • You, the customer, will not discount the products or sell below RRP unless approval has been given in writing via email by Alex Collins.

  • You, the customer, will not take any action which would be likely to damage the reputation of the Alex Collins brand, or bring the Alex Collins brand into disrepute through association.

  • Both parties will keep confidential information private and will not disclose that confidential information.

If you have any questions regarding these terms please don’t hesitate to contact me at alex@alexcollinsdesigns.com to discuss.